Tuesday, March 30, 2010

First Post

getting organized slowly...
(Photo of random suitcase added by Mark--also, check the comments for status updates.)


  1. Good to see. By the way you aren't the first Kuglers to go to South Africa and blog about it as you will see here. If I set this up right your comments will now display on the top of the right hand side, just above the list of blog followers.

  2. Glad to start you off with a lunch of great company. Have a wonderful time and take a few secs to keep us up to date.

  3. Waiting to hear about all the wonderful things you've seen

  4. I know you saw a play today-you need to feed the beast and describe the food in business class on the plane-even photos of the food would be fun to look at!

  5. Hi there
    2 updates for you - one excellent, one so not.... Yesterday in London was fantastic - everything went swimmingly - the flight was perfect, we took the tube into London, saw Billy Elliot ,which was beyond good, had a delightful pub dinner at a local restaurant, and had a good night at the airport hotel, which is beautiful
    So this a.m., we get up early to board out 9:20 flight to Jo'burg - and I am now writing to you from the BA lounge ( which is a city in itself). Why, you ask? The air conditioning system on the plane is not working, so after sitting on it for 2 hours, they now took us all off. They are hoping that we will re-board at 12:30, but at the risk of having a glass half-empty.... it don't look good. Our problem is that we must make our flight to Maun and then our charter to the safari camp in Botswana by 10 a.m. tomorrow morning! There is the possibility that if they can't fix the aircraft, they will send another plane (it's not Montreal, after all!). Otherwise we may get seats on another flight at 7 p.m. tonight which would get us in to JOburg at 7 a.m. tomorrow, which would still work... Ergo, I am hoping that we will not in fact miss the charter which would really not be good, and in fact, I am not sure how we could/rearrange that but we will deal with that problem if and when it occurs.. We are definitely keeping stiff upper lip and all that(we are in Britain, after all:))), but it's such a change from the joy of yesterday.
    All that being said, it's a pleasure to be in the lounge, having your own pod on the plane, etc etc.
    Plus, the play alone was reason to come to London!
    Will post updates as they happen. Hopefully you will not hear from me again today!

  6. Did you mean to post as a comment and not as a new post? ;)

    The BA website says your flight now is scheduled to depart at 2pm your time, or in five minutes. I hope that's true!

  7. Looks to me like you're airborne! Happy travels to Botswana.

  8. Even with the flaws and the twists and turns, all sounds good to me. Of course you are missing the most gorgeous day here @ home, but hey, guess you'll get over that disappointment. Will keep you up to date with what's happening (absolutely nothing)and will look forward to your daily posts!.xoxoD

  9. hope all is according to schedule...we are up north in 80 degree weather
    Skiing yesterday, golf tomorrow...only in montreal...another free
    entry yesterday!!

  10. Hi
    Added my name to your blog. U must be so busy or no computer since no blogs since London. Regards from the Malaga. Weather is gorgeous finally & your kids are well & the little ones very cute. Busy with my Californians & Lindsey & Jonah who come for the day but r sleeping over 1 nite. Can't wait for u to connect to all your followers. This is fun! Love to all....xoxo Anita
